Group Manager - How it works
The Start Menu XP installation package consists of the following two programs:
Start Menu XP – the program that replaces the system menu and Group Manager, a tool that helps organize programs into virtual groups.
To run Group Manager, right-click anywhere in the menu and select Group Manager or find the Start Menu XP folder in the menu and start it as a regular program.

The program window consists of three parts:
If a program does not checked in Group Manager, it means that it doesn't belong to any group and will be placed in the "Other" group in Start Menu XP.

Thus, to add a program to a group, you should choose
group (step 1) and select the checkbox next to the name of the application (step 2).
To remove an application from the group, just clear the checkbox next to its name.
To move a program from one group to another, you need to do the following:
1. Select the old group.
2. Uncheck the checkbox.
3. Select the new group and check the program checkbox again.